Columbia Shareholder and Partnership Litigation Lawyer

Even in the best of times, shareholders may disagree about how a business should be run, and partners in a company may disagree among themselves. Most companies work hard to maintain relationships and ensure the smooth operation of the enterprise. However, sometimes, this isn’t enough. When shareholders and partners have disagreements, they may need to litigate their differences.

Jeffcoat Injury and Car Accident Lawyers help shareholders and partners litigate when there is a dispute. Attorney Michael Jeffcoat has built his practice and reputation on providing thorough, aggressive, and competent representation of his clients. We believe that maintaining an open attorney-client relationship with each client is essential to developing and executing effective legal strategies. With decades of experience litigating for our clients, we know how to fight for our clients and win.

If you’re considering litigation in a shareholder action or a partnership dispute, contact us today for a free consultation about your case. Call us at (803) 373-1706 or use our online contact options now.

How We Can Help in Shareholder and Partner Disputes

Business disputes can arise for many reasons. Perhaps there are disagreements about the direction of the company, disputes over compensation, failures to abide by agreements or many other issues. The parties usually try to resolve these matters without the involvement of lawyers, but sometimes that only leads to more problems.

A shareholder and partnership litigation lawyer can help you manage the dispute process. A lawyer understands how businesses are structured, understands the enforceability of agreements, and understands how to advocate for you effectively.

A shareholder and partnership litigation attorney can help:

  • Build your case and gather evidence. When you’re pursuing litigation against a business or business partner, you need to have everything in place. Our experienced lawyers will gather the documents, statements, and other evidence that your case needs before it goes to court. If you’re involved in a dispute, don’t wait to get the legal help you need.
  • Work with you and the other side to resolve the dispute efficiently. In some cases, litigation may be unavoidable. However, many conflicts can be resolved before the court if the right people are involved. A lawyer will listen to you and work with the other side in an effort to resolve your conflict in a way that is mutually agreeable.
  • Represent you before, during, and after any legal proceedings. Court cases are complex and involve technical legal rules and strict rules on process and evidence. An experienced attorney can craft legal strategies, prepare arguments, and zealously advocate for you in court.

Types of Shareholder and Partnership Disputes We Handle

When problems arise, it’s essential to get competent legal representation as soon as possible. Business disputes can quickly spiral out of control, draining the finances, energy, and attention of those who should be focused on the business. A lawyer can use their experience and knowledge to help you resolve your disputes as quickly as possible.

At Jeffcoat Injury and Car Accident Lawyers, we represent shareholders and partners involved in a wide range of disputes, including:

  • Asset disputes. Assets are central to a business, and the way they’re handled can lead to disputes. Businesses may inappropriately dispose of assets or acquire new ones that shareholders and partners feel are unnecessary. When a business’s assets come into play, disputes regularly happen.
  • Breaches of contract. Businesses are based on contracts: sales contracts, employment contracts, partnership agreements, and many others. Contacts can be complicated, and too often, they can be ambiguous. When parties disagree about the terms of core agreements in a business, it’s easy for misunderstandings to happen.
  • Breaches of duties. Those who run a business owe duties to shareholders, partners, and the company. Fiduciary duties, accounting duties, and many others must be honored. When these duties are breached, trust can be eroded, and the business’s future can be jeopardized.
  • Compensation for employees and executives. The drive and talent of top leadership can be critical to a business’s success. However, shareholders and partners may have disagreements about how much should be paid, to whom, when, and how.
  • Partnership disputes. Business partners can have wildly different visions for a company’s future. Differences in management style, compensation, ownership, and many other problems can arise. An experienced lawyer can unpack the dispute and work to resolve it.
  • Planning for the future. Many businesses fail to plan for the future and pay the price. However, even in companies that take steps to prepare, problems may arise. Succession plans, disagreements about direction, disagreements about ownership, and other issues may arise.

At Jeffcoat Injury and Car Accident Lawyers, our experienced shareholder and partnership litigation lawyers understand what you are going through. We’re equipped to help shareholders and partners efficiently resolve their disputes. If you’re in a dispute or considering litigation, contact us now to discuss your legal options.

Experienced South Carolina Shareholder and Partnership Litigation Lawyers

When a shareholder or partnership dispute cannot be resolved, it may be time to begin litigating your matter. Our experienced lawyers can help you understand your options and advise you on the steps you should take. If you’re considering litigation, get the dedicated representation that you need.

At Jeffcoat Injury and Car Accident Lawyers, our lawyers have decades of experience helping clients litigate their disputes. We’re available to help with all aspects of a dispute, including preparation, negotiation, and litigation of the issue. We pride ourselves on the skill, experience, and dedication we bring to every case. If you have a shareholder or partnership dispute that needs to be litigated, contact us for a free consultation.

With offices in Columbia and Lexington, we’re available to help you. Call us or use our online contact options to get in touch now.