
The loss of a limb is life-changing. People with amputations must think of new ways to do everyday tasks that are second nature to most of us.

For some people, amputations may be necessary due to an illness. 

Others can lose limbs in an accident. If these accidents are the result of someone else’s negligence, the victim has the right to compensation.

The right lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Common Causes of Amputations

Many different kinds of accidents can result in the loss of a limb. Here are some of the most common.

Workplace Accidents: Amputations are more common in industries where the operation of heavy machinery is required. According to the National Center of Occupational Safety and Public Health, tens of thousands of all amputations that occur in the United States each year are work-related.

Work-related amputations may be covered by workers comp. If the accident was caused by an employer’s failure to follow safety rules, legal action can be taken that can result in the company dealing with additional fines and expenses.

Motor Vehicle Accidents: Motor vehicle accidents are another common cause of amputations. The force of the collision may result in limbs being torn from the body or extremities that can be crushed or burned to the point where they cannot be repaired.

A motor vehicle accident is often caused by one driver’s negligence, although it can also be the result of unsafe road conditions, manufacturing flaws, and more. The right car accident lawyer will help you find the at-fault party so you can pursue them for compensation.

Faulty Equipment: Products like home power tools and recreational sports equipment can malfunction, causing amputations. If the product was being used according to the directions and malfunctioned due to a manufacturing flaw, the manufacturer may be to blame.

Dog Bites: Dog bites can do damage to veins and arteries and amputation may be required. In these cases, a dog owner will be responsible for compensating the victim.

What Kind of Compensation Can I Get for My Amputation Case?

After an amputation occurs, it will change someone’s life forever. Not only do amputees need to adjust their lifestyle to accommodate their disability, but they may also be dealing with the symptoms of phantom pain, which is the sensation that a limb is still attached to the body. This can result in sharp, shooting pain, numbness, or a burning or tingling sensation.

Other complications of amputation include future surgeries, vascular problems, back pain, and orthopedic issues.

Because amputations can have severe, lasting effects, an amputee may be eligible for any of the following types of compensation.

  • Loss of Income: An amputee may need to take time off work to deal with their injuries. It’s possible that they may not be able to perform the duties their job requires, and they may have to take a lower-paying position. In some cases, they may not be able to return to work at all.
  • Medical Expenses: If you experience an amputation, you will have immediate medical expenses to deal with your injury. Likely, you will also need ongoing care for therapy, surgeries, and more.
  • Emotional Pain and Suffering: Amputees and their loved ones experience a reduced quality of life. It is not easy to deal with the loss of a limb, and this can lead to physical and emotional pain.

In the case of an amputation, an at-fault party may be responsible for any loss of income, expenses, and pain and suffering the victim experiences.

Finding the Right Lawyer to Represent Your Amputation Case

If you experienced an amputation due to an accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence, the right lawyer could help you get the compensation you deserve. If you are looking for a Columbia personal injury lawyer in the South Carolina area, Jeffcoat Injury and Car Accident Lawyers is highly recommended.

Jeffcoat Injury and Car Accident Lawyers is known for putting its clients first in every step of the decision-making process. They provide honest evaluations and aggressive representation. Best of all, they will never charge a fee unless they help you win your case.

An amputation is challenging to deal with, and no one wants a legal headache on top of everything else they are going through. Let Jeffcoat Injury and Car Accident Lawyers take care of the legal work so you can focus on moving on with your life. Call them for the type of representation you need and the compensation you deserve.