June 27, 2023 | Car Accidents
If you’re wondering if you should go to work after a car accident, there are some important things to consider. Whether or not a doctor has given you written instructions on when to or when not to go back to work is hugely important.
Questions like this come up so often because there is a desire to put the accident behind you and return to your life and your routine. While this is a typical reaction taking the right amount of time off from your work can be critical to taking care of yourself and healing fully. Speak with our experienced South Carolina car accident lawyers near you today if you’ve been involved in a car accident.
How to Deal With Your Employer After Your Accident
There can be a lot on your plate after your accident, and it can be hard to know how to handle taking time off of work and dealing with your employer. You likely will want to ensure that you have your job still once you are healthy enough to return to work, but you also need to follow your doctor’s advice and allow yourself to heal.
Calling your company and speaking with your HR department or supervisor to let them know about the accident is generally a best practice. However, a phone call may not be enough. Having a paper trail and documentation is important. Composing a letter detailing your accident, such as when it occurred and any injuries you sustained can be an important step. Sending this letter in an email, as well as a physical copy can help the paper trail. Getting a letter from your doctor regarding when you may be able to return to work, any restrictions you’ll be on, when you can return to work and other pertinent information can help provide evidence of your injuries and the need for time off from work. Your employer may also request further documentation such as a police report. Speak with your car accident lawyer when in doubt about what you should provide to your employer after your accident to best protect yourself.
How Long Should I Take Off Work after a Car Crash?
Taking as much time off as needed for you to recover from your injuries coupled with a written note from your doctor saying you’re safe to return to work is a time-tested method that people use. Knowing just how much time you should take for your recovery can be difficult. Some accident victims return to work too early. This may increase the risk of making their injury worse or delaying the healing. The lawyers at Jeffcoat Injury and Car Accident Lawyers know how serious this question is and how hard it is to answer. There have been many cases in which someone was injured in a car accident and returned to work too soon when they should have taken more time for rest and recovery.
Don’t make the same mistake. If you have any further questions or if you want to begin pursuing compensation for your injuries and time away from work in South Carolina, contact the experienced attorneys at Jeffcoat Injury and Car Accident Lawyers by phone or online today.
If you do take time off from work, putting your request in writing can help document why and when you took time off work. Documenting this well can be an aid in getting compensated for your time off from work after a car crash.
When Can I Go Back to Work After a Car Crash?
Some people want or need to return to work as ASAP so they don’t lose their source of income. We know how important that is! Consulting with your medical providers can be a good place to start in deciding when to go back to work. Regardless of how long you need to take off from work after being injured by someone else’s carelessness, you should still be able allowed to file a claim to be compensated for lost wages.
Why Do People Return to Work Too Early? Why Is That a Bad Idea?
There are many reasons why people may return to work sooner than they should. People injured in a severe accident rely on their job and need income. With medical bills, rent or a mortgage, and all the other expenses of life, it can be nearly impossible to afford to take the time off to get better. However, the law in South Carolina allows you the right to file a claim to recover your lost income after someone else’s carelessness injures you. Contact us to see if you can file a claim or start a South Carolina personal injury lawsuit against the party responsible for the crash that injured you.
People are also motived by a desire to get back to normal life as soon as possible. This can be a powerful desire that makes people ignore what their bodies are telling them.
People may fear what others are thinking. When they consider the question, “How long should I take off work after a car crash?” they don’t think about their health. They think about whether their boss will consider them unreliable or lazy, or if work colleagues will assume they are just trying to take advantage of the situation and get an extra vacation.
Another common reason people return to work too soon is that they convince themselves they are doing better. A car accident near you can release adrenaline into the system, which can make people feel like they are fine, even if they are suffering from a severe injury.
Returning to work before your injuries have healed is often about more than pain or discomfort. Injuries can be made worse by returning to work to early. A back injury that might otherwise have resolved within a few days may take months to heal if not treated and healed properly. Other issues, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety may be harder to detect immediately but may also get worse if the person forces themselves back into the pressures of work too soon.
Can I Get Compensation for Lost Wages?
Lost wages may be recovered through an injury claim. In fact, you may be able to get compensated for many things directly related to your car crash, including your medical bills, lost wages and mental anguish.
If I Take Paid Sick Leave, Can I Still Get Compensation?
Whether returning to work right away, taking time away from work without pay, or receiving sick leave, you may still be entitled to receive compensation. If your job provides paid sick leave, using it may help avoid financial distress during recovery. You may be able to get compensation for the paid sick leave you take. You should not be penalized for having to use your leave because of an accident caused by someone else’s carelessness.
Why You Should Talk to Your Doctor
A doctor can be a great resource when trying to answer the question: “How long should I take off work after a car crash?” A doctor may be able to advise you on how much time off from work is right for your body and your mind after your crash.
Following a doctor’s advice may give you a better chance of fully recovering from your injuries. Additionally, if you are considering filing an injury claim, following your doctor’s orders may help you avoid complicating or jeopardize your injury case
Contact an Experienced South Carolina Car Accident Lawyer Today
Anyone suffering from the results of a car accident in or around Columbia, South Carolina should not have to worry about working, income, or paying for the losses that were someone else’s fault while they recover.
Let the South Carolina car accident lawyers at Jeffcoat Injury and Car Accident Lawyers take care of the legal aspects of your injury claim so you can focus on getting healthy again. Contact us today by phone or fill out a contact form for a free consultation.
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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ We appreciate all Jeffcoat Injury and Car Accident Lawyers has done to help us. Everyone is very helpful and friendly. I have talked to Thomas and Jessica. They are very helpful. Jessica checks on us. If I need anything I can call her. She is very sweet. If you need anything call Jeffcoat Injury and Car Accident Lawyers. They are very understanding and helpful. I’m glad they are helping us. – Ronnie and Gail K.
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Contact a South Carolina Car Lawyer at Jeffcoat Injury and Car Accident Lawyers Today
For more information, contact the car accident law firm of Jeffcoat Injury and Car Accident Lawyers to schedule a free initial consultation. We have five convenient locations in South Carolina: Columbia, Lexington, Orangeburg, and Blythewood.
Jeffcoat Injury and Car Accident Lawyers – Columbia, SC
1333 Main St #510,
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 573-0869
Our firm is located near you. We have an office in Columbia, SC.
Find us with our GeoCoordinates: 34.0036663,-81.0346429
Jeffcoat Injury and Car Accident Lawyers – Lexington, SC
5465 Sunset Blvd Suite B,
Lexington, SC 29072
(803) 721-4241
Our firm is located near you. We have an office in Lexington, SC.
Find us with our GeoCoordinates: 33.9981412,-81.2202483
Jeffcoat Injury and Car Accident Lawyers – Orangeburg, SC
161 Elliott St SE Suite B,
Orangeburg, SC 29115
(803) 884-2053
Our firm is located near you. We have an office in Orangeburg, SC.
Find us with our GeoCoordinates: 33.4913915,-80.8608485
Jeffcoat Injury and Car Accident Lawyers – Blythewood, SC
749-2 University Village Dr,
Blythewood, SC 29016
(803) 866-5190
Our firm is located near you. We have an office in Blythewood, SC.
Find us with our GeoCoordinates: 34.2165616,-80.9866654
Jeffcoat Injury and Car Accident Lawyers – Columbiana Dr
380 Columbiana Dr
Columbia, SC 29212
(803) 866-5522
Our firm is located near you. We have a secondary office in Columbia, SC.
Find us with our GeoCoordinates: 34.0857948,-81.1613165