Columbia Sideswipe Accident Lawyer

It’s an all too common occurrence. You’re driving along minding your own business when all of a sudden, a driver hits you in a sideswipe accident. Now your day is ruined, your vehicle is damaged, and you may also be dealing with injuries, losses, and expenses that could change your life forever.

Sideswipe car accidents are a common type of car accident. They occur when one vehicle strikes another at a glancing angle. Even though the impact is not direct, a sideswipe accident can still be quite damaging.

Read on to find out more about what you should do if you were injured in a sideswipe accident and why you should contact a Columbia car accident lawyer near you.

If you need experienced legal counsel, contact an attorney from Jeffcoat Injury and Car Accident Lawyers to schedule a free consultation. Call us today at (803) 373-1706.

Common Types of Sideswipe Accident Scenarios

Sideswipe accidents are common because it is easy for drivers to miss a car next to them due to a blind spot. They also may try to get over without looking. In any case, here are a few different sideswipe accident scenarios that are likely to occur.

  • Two cars are traveling side by side in the same direction, and one makes an improper turn into the other driver’s lane.
  • Two cars are traveling side by side in the same direction, and one car drifts from its lane colliding with the bottom of the other vehicle.
  • Two cars are traveling in opposite directions, and one drifts over the center line and collides with the side of the other vehicle in the oncoming lane.

Common Causes of Sideswipe Accidents in Columbia, SC

There are many reasons why sideswipe accidents occur, and they are often due to the negligence of one of the drivers involved in the accident. Here are some examples:

  • A driver is using an electronic device or is otherwise distracted while driving and veers into another lane.
  • A driver failed to check for blind spots before changing lanes.
  • A driver is drowsy and nods off, causing their car to drift into the other lane.
  • A driver is driving while intoxicated, and a lack of judgment causes their car to drift into the other lane.
  • A driver is speeding or going too fast for road conditions causing them to lose control of the car and drive into the next lane.

Why Sideswipe Accidents are Especially Dangerous

You might think a sideswipe accident isn’t as dangerous as other types of crashes because it doesn’t involve the same impact as a head-on collision.

However, in a sideswipe accident, there is only a thin piece of metal protecting passengers from the impact of another car. Furthermore, there aren’t many airbags or seatbelts can do to protect passengers. It is for these reasons that sideswipe accidents can lead to severe injuries and even death.

Finding The Right Sideswipe Accident Lawyer Near You

If you were involved in a sideswipe accident, finding the right Columbia car accident lawyer near you to represent you is essential.

A good sideswipe car accident lawyer near you will review the circumstances of your accident to determine at-fault parties. They will see to it that you get a fair settlement that covers your injuries and losses, and they will represent you in court if necessary. They will help you gather the evidence you need to help you build a strong case.

If you are looking for a South Carolina lawyer to represent you in your sideswipe accident, Jeffcoat Injury and Car Accident Lawyers is highly recommended.

Contact Our Auto Accident Lawyers in Columbia For a Free Initial Consultation

The lawyers at Jeffcoat Injury and Car Accident Lawyers have years of experience representing clients in car accident, truck accidents, and personal injury cases. They put their clients first treating them with the utmost sensitivity, care, and respect. They offer aggressive, efficient, honest representation ensuring their clients get the best results possible.

A car accident is an upsetting and traumatic event. Let Jeffcoat Injury and Car Accident Lawyers take some of the emotional stress off your hands by doing the legal legwork for you. Then you can relax and concentrate on moving forward with your life.